1..P42,  作者反省到他生活上的無聊,提到美國辛普森殺妻案,很多人利用午餐時間看電視新聞最新報導,還要錄影起來深怕遺漏了細節,但是此人與其生活根本就沒有交集,他想起老師的話:個人必須要堅強到瞭解流行資訊如果對個人無益,就不要理會它。You have too strong enough to say if the culture doesn't work,don't buy it.

2. P.43 So many people walk around with a meanngless life.  They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing thinkg they think are important.  This is because they're chasing the wrong things.  The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote your self to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.

3. P.57 "I mourn the slow, insidious way in which I'm dying.  But I  stop mouning......Not everyone is so lucky.  I studied him in his chair, unable to stand, to wash, to pull on his pants.  Luck? Did he really say lucky? 一個垂死的老人,僅在一大早醒來,為自己流下幾滴眼淚,然後就想到自己仍然擁有的,認為並不是每個人都能幸運得和他人從容的說再見!作者不相信自己的耳朵,這老人真的用幸運這字嗎?。。。多麼豁達的人生觀。

4.  P. 92. It is not the same as having someone who will not leave.  It's not the same as some one whom you know has an eye on you, is watching you the whole time.  This is part of what a fmily is about, not just love.

5. P. 93. Do not stop your lives, otherwise this disease will have ruined three of us instead of one.  Even as he was dying , he showed respect for his childres's world.

6.  P. 93.  Whenever people ask me about having children or not having children, I never tell what to do.  I simply say: "There is no experience like having children,. That's all.  There is no subsitute for it.  You cannot do it with a friend.  You cannlt do it with a lover.  If you want the experience of having complete responsibility for an other human being, and to learn how to love and bond in the deepest way, then yuou should have children."

7.  p.104 If you hold back on the emotion, if you don't allow yourself to go all the way through them, you can never get to being detached, you're afraid of the grief.  You're afraid of the vulnerabulity that loving entails. But by throwing yourself into these emotionjs, by allowing yourself to dive in, all the way,...you experience them fully and completely.  You know what pain is. You know what love is. You know what grief is. And only then can you say, "All right, I have experienced that emotion. I recognize that emotion.  Now I need to detach from that emotion for a moment.".... I know this is fear, step away from it. Step away.

8.  P. 116.  Then I figured, Forget what the culture says.  I have ignored the culture much of my life.  I am going to be ashamed.  What's the big deal? And you know what?  Now I begaan to enjoy my dependency.  Now I enjoy when they turn me over on my side and rub cream on my behind so I don't get sores... I close my eyes and soak it up.  And it seems very familiar to me.  It's like going back to being a child again. Someone to bathe you.  Some one to lift you.....We all know how to be a child. It's inside all of us.  For me, it's just rememberibng how to enjoy it...

9. P. 117.  All this emphasis on youth-I don't buy it.  Listen, I know what  a  misery bing young can be, so don't tell me it's so great.  All these kids who came to me with their struggles, eheir strife, their feelings of inadequacy, their sense that life was miserable, so bad they wanted to kill themselves....the young are not wise.  They have little understanding about life.  Who whats to live every day when you don't know what's going on? When people are manipulating you, telling you to buy this perfume and you'll be beautiful, or this pair of jeans and you'll be sexy, - and you believe them! it's such nonsense.

Weren't you ever afraid to grow old, I asked? Mich.  I embrace aging.  It's very simple.  As you grow, you learn more.  If you stayed at twenty-two, you'd always be as ignorant as you were at twenty-two.  Aging is not just decay, you know.  It's growth.  It's more than the negative that you're going to die, it's also the positive that you understand you're going to die, and that you live a better life because of it.

Yes, I said, but if aging were so valuable, why do people always say, "oh, if I were young again, you never hear people say, "I wish I were sixty-five."  He smilesd. "You know what that reflects? Unsatisfied lifes.  Unfulfilled lives.  Lives that haven't found meaning.  Because if you've found meaning in your life, you don't want to go back. You want to go forward.  you want to see more, do more.  You can't wait until sixty-five.

"Listen, you should know something.  All younger people should know something.  If you're always battling against getting older, you're always going to be unhappy, because it will happen anyhow." " The fact is, you are going to die eventually.  It won't matter what you tell yourself."

I am wondering how you don't envy younger, healthy people.  Oh, I guess I do.  .....envy comes to me, I feel it and then I let it go.  Remember what I said about detachment? Let it go.  Tell yourself, "that's envy, I'm going to separate from it now and walk away."

It's important for the old not to envy the young.  But the issue is to accept who you are and revel in that.  This is your time to be in your thirties.  I had my time to be in my thirties, and now is my time to be seventy-eight. You have to find what's good and true and beautiful in your life as it is now.  Looking back makes you competitive. And age is not a competitive issue....How can I be envious of where you are- When I've been there myself?

10. P 131 I sum it up in my newest aphorism. He said. Let me hear it. "When you're in bed, you're dead."  He smiled.  Only Morrie could smile at something like that.

11.  So many people with far smaller problems are so self-absorbed, their eyes glaze over if you speak for more than 30 seconds.  They have already have something else in mind- a friend to call, a fax to send, a lover they're daydreaming about.  ...Part of the problem, is that everyone is in such a hyrry, people haven't found meaning in their lives, so they're running all the time looking for it. They think the next car, the next house, the next job.  Then they find those things are empty, too , and they keep running. Once yuo start running, I said, it's hard to slow yourself down.

12.  P. 178 In business, people negotiate to win.  They negotiate to get what they want.  Maybe you're too used to that.  Love is different.  Love is when you are as concerned about someone else's situation as you are about your own.  You've had these special times with your brother, and you no longer have what you had with him.  You want them back.  You never want them to stop.  But that's part of being human.  Stop, renew, stop, renew.

13.  P. 179.  The story is about a little wave, bobbing along in the ocean, having a grand old time.  He's enjoying the wind and the fresh air- until he notices the other waves in front of him, crashing against the shore.  "My God, this is terrible," the wave says.  "look what's going to happen to me!"  " Then along comes another wave.  It sees the first wave, looking grim, and it sayus to him, "Why do you look so sad?"  The first wave says, "You don't understand! We're all going to crash!  All of us waves are going to be nothing! Isn't it terrible?"  The second wave says "No, you don't understand.  You're not a wave, you're lpart of the ocean."   I smile. Morrie closes his eyes again.  "Part of the ocean,"  he says, " Part of the ocean."  I watch him breathe, in and out, in and out.

14.  P 190 There is no such thing as " too late" in life.  He was changing until the day he said good-bye.



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